Cancer Research UK
Cancer affects one in two of us. It has taken both of my parents and threathened me too, I was lucky enough to fully recover thanks to the treatment I received. So I support Cancer Research UK.
I do this in two ways: I have created an Inspirations Journal and all proceeds go directly to the charity. This Inspirations Journal is designed to give you daily encouragement and time to reflect as well as help you move forward; it will help keep you motivated either for a change you want to make or for life in general and covers the next 30 days. There is a minimum donation of £5. So you get to help you and those suffering from cancer too. To find out more, click here.
I also donate 10% of the proceeds of my MP3 Healthy Mind, Healthy Body. I am a strong believer that the mind affects the body just as the body affects the mind. This hypnosis recording can help, no matter what your health challenge.
Throughout Covid I supported NHS workers in managing the stress of an extraordinarily challenging time. I still provide that support now, free of charge, through the work of Project5. To benefit from 3 free sessions with me, NHS employees simply book through the Project5 portal. If they are working at their best, it means you get the best support possible.
What if, in doing something for you, you are Giving Back to others too?
As you know, Your Empowered Self is about Empowerment, so making the decision to do something for yourself fits in perfectly with that. When you take good care of you, you are in a much better position to be there for others, to do well in life, to thrive at work. So, in recognition of this, I make a monthly donation to Woodlands Trust to help make the world a better place with my Giving Back program.
Whether you are already a client, have bought my self-help products, subscribed to my newsletter and/or YouTube Channel (both of which offer you a wealth of resources, free of charge), my thank you is helping to ensure we are restoring and replenishing our natural resources to better our environment: a lovely way of Giving Back so the world benefits.
Why trees?
- They are good environment
- They reduce carbon emissions
- They clean the air that we breathe
- They create jobs
- They enhance mood
- They reduce stress
- They can produce food
- They can create homes and they can furnish homes
- They create homes for birds and play spaces for animals and children
- When the leaves drop, they nourish the earth to feed new life
- They are a great metaphor for life:
A tree has roots in the soil yet reaches for the sky. It tells us that in order to aspire we need to be grounded and that no matter how high we go, it is from our roots that we draw sustenance. Wangari Maatchai
Trees also teach us the art and importance of letting go: the fall of leaves in the Autumn creates its own beauty, is a precursor to a season of reflection and rest and prepares and allows for new growth in the Spring. The leaves drop and nourish the earth – just as when we let go we keep the lessons but let go of the experience. Your strength comes from your ability to bend and be flexible so that you don’t break in times of trouble.
In the resources you will receive by signing up to my lewsletter and my YouTube channel you will find ways of letting go, reflecting, resting and growing.
Or you may prefer my Spotify channel.
And to sign up to my newsletter, simply complete the box on the upper right.